Shoreditch (Monday) - Summer 2019 - Cup Division - Statistics

Player of the Match Awards
PlayerTeamPlayer Of the Match Awards
Ari GoualinYou can't tag this3
Gemma HeinsonCash Lump Scrum2
Victoria SparrowCash Lump Scrum2
Jamie TaiTag now pay later2
Jacques FourieRandoms Assemble2
Arif SaadYou can't tag this1
Michelle FolieYou can't tag this1
Dominic HigginsWhat a Wonderful Tag1
Tom BainesKick Tease1
Rachel ParmeterKick Tease1
Shawn SALERMANDrink Sleep Tag Repeat1
Rose XieTag'n'phil1
Danny RattanakoneTag'n'phil1
Jacqui LeTag'n'phil1
Nikki LandryGlobo Gym Purple Cobras1
Kevin TruongMore Tags, Less Bags1
Jonathan NgMore Tags, Less Bags1
Min Estrone YangMore Tags, Less Bags1