Top Player of the Match Awards in London in 2014

PlayerPlayer of the Match Awards
Brock Peters19
Karen Howard18
Ousmane Ndiaye17
Ian Kerr17
Jeremie Labbe14
Helen Chan13
Alex Coombs13
Aine Cribbin12
Jessica Minck12
Arron Lombardo12
Teagan Raucci12
Samara Lawrence11
David Shipley11
Oliver Greenhill11
Nina Populaire11
Alex Miller11
Emily Stone10
Phil Berry10
Oliver O'Mahony10
Megan Lloyd10
Kellie Dowdell10
Gary Phibbs10
Breda Lyons10
Max Jackson10
Donal Lehane10
Andrew Ferguson9
Joe Dunton9
Christopher Prout9
Lucy Duncombe9
Nicola Soraghan9
Sarah Bond9
Lauren Taylor8
Caroline Henzell8
morag cahill8
benjamin smith8
Reece Glozier8
Seth Ephron8
Marianne Bowtell8
Miriam Howe8
Ollie Roffey8
Shannon Bennett8
Adric Mason8
Patrick Kiernan7
Steve Lloyd7
Andy Matfield7
James Ramsay7
Katie Sage7
Natasha Lewis7
Moya Maginn7
Martin Soullier7